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Conservation Commission Minutes 09/10/2008
September 10, 2008

Present:  M. Dempsey, T. Schaefer, C. Keene, T. Grim, Agent Claudia McKee, S. Benenati, S. Sexton

Meeting Opened at 7:00 pm.

Concom Business – Minutes
M. Dempsey made a motion to accept the July 9, 2008 minutes with the amendment on page 4.  T. Schaefer 2nd.  All in favor.  Unanimous.  

ConCom Business – COCs
Commissioners signed the following Certificates of Compliance:  5 Holly Lane, 94 B Main Street, 24 Stonebridge Road, Pineau Estates.   Agent Claudia McKee submitted a site-visit summary of each.  

Commissioners Steve Benanti and Susan Sexton arrived 7:30 pm.  

Shanahan Field – NOI/GNOI
Present:  J. D’Amore; J. Morrison, Abutters: Jeanne Dignan; Sandra Sheehan; James Sheehan

Hearing opened 7:30 pm.  J. D’Amore gave a background of the project.  He said they propose reducing the use of the field throughout the year, closing the field in the summer, promoting safety, eliminate the use of large scale games, eliminating disorder and unauthorized use of the field, and to beautify the area. The existing small field will be expanded to accommodate 6-8 and 11-12 year olds.  The third field is only a small practice field; it is not large enough for a legal sized game.  They will segregate the smallest players from larger players for safe environment.  

Jessica Morrison used a plot plan map to describe the proposed project.  They would like to lay a 5’ path of woodchips on the already-existing path wide from the edge of the soccer field, creating a loop trail.  They would like to extend the practice field 30’ toward the river, with some filling to regrade.  

An abutter said it was an old gravel pit with old bed frames and lots of trash.  A lot of clearing would have to take place to have a river view.  The kids have made a mess of the area.  

M. Dempsey said it was CPC’s and J. D’Amore’s idea to incorporate part of the area into the soccer fields.  If somebody cares about the area and cares for it, it would be less apt to become a mess again.  Once cleaned, it would be more visible and less likely to become messed up.  If soccer people are there, they’ll keep an eye on it.  

An abutter asked how it would be cleaned up because there is no Parks Department.  Both the Groveland Youth Soccer Organization and the Board of Selectmen are interested in this.  There will be continued leadership in cooperation with Go Pentucket Soccer.  T. Grim asked why they are moving the practice field into the steep area?  J. Morrison explained that it was to maintain separation between the properties.  T. Grim felt it was quite a bit of incursion and would prefer it moved.  C. McKee pointed out that if they are bringing in fill within 200’ of main high water mark, they’ll need to speak to Army Corps of Engineers.  

Another abutter said parking is a huge problem.  She said every Saturday people park up to her home and past it.  It’s a one-way street and tight for cars to get through.  People sometimes park on the lawn.  There is a safety issue with kids crossing the street.  Also, people drop kids off on the corner in front of her home because there’s an opening in the fence.  M. Dempsey asked if she has addressed this issue with the Selectmen.  The abutter said no.  

An abutter asked how much vegetation between her property and fields will be cut?  J. Morrison said virtually none.  C. McKee suggested the abutter tag what she didn’t want cut.  T. Schaefer suggested moving the fields around to eliminate the need for involving the Army Corps of Engineers.  An abutter said the vista was under water two years ago.  

Abutter Jean Dignan is very concerned about the wildlife and read a statement, and passed out photos of the area’s wildlife.  She said she does not object any plans.  She does have an objection to alter the state of the woods between fields and river.  Her statement pointed out what would be lost; safety concerns if proposal to alter woods and finally, suggestions.  

She said this is only one of a few wooded areas near the river.  Dead trees are vital to an environment.  Birds are cavity nesters and feed on insects.  If cleared, it would deprive birds of their habitat.  Removal of dead trees is what she’s most strongly opposed about.  Altering the woods would give rise to additional safety concerns.  It’s situated at a sharp bend in the river.  Shore configuration is a dumping ground of debris deposited by the water.  Syringes, containers, broken glass, and rotting carcasses can’t be cleaned, and the river deposits on a daily basis.  Previously, it was an actual trash dump.  Soil moving top soil is devastating to plant and animal life.  There’s an old foundation from old shed and has poison ivy in the area.  Removing it chemically would affect the river and wildlife.  Children should be discouraged from frequenting the area.  Some parents from out of town may not realize there is a river behind the woods and may allow their children to play unsupervised.  She suggests funds be used to remove the trash from floods of 2006 and the damaged benches, and plant trees elsewhere in the field.  Also, she suggests a chain link fence with gate and warning sign for out-of-town parents, of the dangers of the  river beyond.  T. Grim was concerned about the Town’s liability if child fell into the river.  

A site visit is scheduled for 8:00 am Saturday, September 13th.  M. Dempsey made a motion to continue the hearing until October 8, 2008.  T. Grim  2nd.  All in favor.  Unanimous.  Hearing closed 8:26 pm.   

66 Main Street – GRDA
Present:  Scott Bonarigio
Hearing opened:  8:31 pm.  GRDA septic system and a deck on the back.   S. Sexton recused herself as an abutter.   ConCom issued an emergency order for a septic system.  Located at 75’, just outside no-disturb.  Standard deck, couple of footings.  Erosion controls are already in place.  The grass has already grown in.  The deck will be constructed within the next two weeks.  M. Dempsey made a motion to accept the proposed deck and grant a permit to add  a deck, not to exceed 12’ x 12’ on the back of the house and allow the septic system to be installed as defined on the plan.  T. Grim 2nd.  All in favor.  Unanimous.  

T. Grim make a motion to adjourn the meeting. S. Benanti 2nd.  All in favor.  Unanimous.  

Meeting closed 8:52 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Lori Felch
Administrative Consultant